Magic Millions
The benefits to all that the synergies Magic Millions and Donovan + Co bring are readily apparent. “This has evolved into a strategic alliance with Magic Millions with the two businesses complimenting each other perfectly. I bring the specialty knowledge and background in property transactions, and they bring one of the most respected brands right across Australia, a huge database of clients and a massive social media following which is paramount in the property game at present.
The enquiries we get via social media at the moment far outweigh traditional platforms.” And when asked just how broad a market the alliance is targeting Clint sees unlimited opportunities; “There are hundreds of equine properties in South East Queensland alone, from a five acre equine enthusiast farm up to large scale commercial operations like Figtrees, and if they were to ever come up for sale, most importantly the client would benefit hugely from the combination of Donovan + Co and Magic Millions.”
Clint very much sees the alliance as another outlet for Magic Millions’ strong customer service ethos. “This is another way in which Magic Millions services their clients. If for any reason, be it upscaling, downscaling, selling your equine property investment, be it a set of stables or a horse farm of any scale, it is an extension of the service that Magic Millions can offer.